Work in Progress Book and Apps and Studies

Well, I’m not sure if you’re aware of it but… 
I’m a VERY ambitious chica… VERY.
Some might say too ambitious… maybe
Most of my friends tell me I need to have more fun
and work less… I’ve tried to help them understand
I love what I do… so WORKING is FUN!
This week in addition to preparing to release
I’m prepping my publishing calendar going forward.
While I’d love to promise I can publish a new Shawneda book 
monthly or bi-monthly… that would be a lie.
I’ve hated not being able to release books when I planned 
or announced due to changes in my personal life.
So I’m not going to be announcing the books as far in advance
as I used to do… you’ll see the developments
like book covers and character info as it grows
but the final book release dates will be announced via app
closer to the date than six or twelve months.
My goal is to share inspirational content weekly via the app.
Professional goals have to be taken into account as well
which means I’m researching if I’ll be able to consistently produce
 between two and four Christian fiction books per year… starting 2017.
Once I finish the Wholeness series this year the only other book 
for 2016 will be the next Natural Sistahs book.
I’ve been developing a new series since 2014…
the last Christian fiction series I’ll be writing…
I’m not going to stop writing Christian books 
I’m just going to be busy building this fiction series
for the rest of my life. (GiG PowHer has launched???? )
Because I’m only working on this series going forward
the frequency of these fiction books will not be the same as 
the mainstream romance novels shorts
I’ll be publishing under a pen name
I’m sharing that info with Da Book Squad 
on our app before the end of August…
gulp… yep… still nervous.
Shawneda – Bold Inspiration free app on iTunes and Google Play
will always be a work in progress. 
In addition to the post from here are live feeds from 
Haute Health— my healthy living blog
Trendy Sexy Cool— my vocational blog 
I’m also completing my AFAA recertification 
and videos, blogs, prehab low impact workouts
and much more will be shared via the app so I have
to keep my self knowledgeable about what I share with you. 
That is what I’d like in the healthy lifestyle bloggers I follow
and that is what I want to provide for you.
Of course I’m also finishing my undergraduate studies…
Such a long time coming.
So thankful for God providing so many ways I never imagined. 
Thankful to be a 2016-2017 Emerge Scholar. 
The greatest work in progress is the one I’ll be
working on until I draw my last breath… 
which is my relationship with God.

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