Updates, Announcements and Progress OH MY

This Summer Eat Clean experience has been more than amazing and I’m only on day six. My mind is clearer and I feel different in my physical countenance. I’m adjusting in steps so this is just phase one. The second phase is going to focus on only freggies (fruits and veggies) from local Farmer’s Markets. I’ve been wanting to frequent some of the local markets and missed the opportunity last year. Urban communities have very affordable fresh produce available in small urban farmer’s markets that happens every summer. This summer, I’m supporting local businesses and eating a littler greener. All passions and part of my Clean Eating Summer Challenge. 
Received the foreword from my pastor for Diamond Butterfly. This book is going to be an awesome addition to not only those who have read Diamond Butterfly: SHARE HEAL SPARKLE SHINE FLY but it will also bless many who have been healed and made whole from the pain of the past now looking for God’s best for your future. I hope you will check it out then tell a friend about it. 
Another Realit-E-Series installment will be posted this week to help you get reacquainted with the ladies. Glad I shifted the vantage point of this series while keeping the lighthearted empowerment perspective. There have been reality shows on television claiming to empower women but this one will deliver.  Yeah, I couldn’t do it… (updated Jan 7, 2016)

I’m enjoying the ladies from book one in the obesity awareness series so much, I’m peeking at possible cover options for book two. More than one book is a given in any series but loving the characters like this is a real treat. Briana, Toney and Julie are amazing women to me. My prayer is you feel the same way or stronger about them. Well back to work. This series is not gonna write itself. 
 We have a great summer contest for a free nook happening right now. Click on the link at the top of the page to sign up. Click on freebies if you’re already a newsletter subscriber.