RT Pin and Share the Truth another Picture Quote from WEIGHING MY OPTIONS obesity awareness novel

Everyday gets sweeter with Jesus. The battle is the Lord’s! You’re blessed and highly favored. 
We LOVE to talk about the “shiny” side of being in relationship with God through Christ. There will also be trials and tribulations. Just because we like to gloss over the responsibilities and cost of walking with Christ doesn’t mean they don’t happen or exist. Medical professionals and surgeons warn patients about the pain involved in healing. In my devotionals and other novels I also address the truth of pain as part of healing. Pain is real but it is nothing compared to being whole (it’s biblical check out Romans 8)
Julie, Toney and Briana all want to lose weight. There are hundreds maybe even thousands of different gimmicks, diets, healthy lifestyle plans and other options available for them to choose from in the book. They experience the good, bad and ugly as they choose the options best for them.