Repost Because It is Still True: Have I Told How Much You Mean to Me?
We are only five days in to 2012 and I’m very excited about all the things God has given me to share with you. You are so important to me. I’m not sure you realize how much. Let me explain. You are beloved of God and I take into account how important you are to God as I type each word in each novel, devotional and blog posting.
Too many times during the day you have to split your time between thinking about what is best and trusting God to bring His best into your life. I just wanted to take this time to remind you that God’s best doesn’t always look the way you expect or feel the way you prefer but it is still His best for you. Be encouraged and know God has you on the heart and in the prayers of people who love serving you with their gifts. Your pastor, your parents, siblings, and teachers may be tools of God where the Holy Spirit dwells waiting for an opportunity to remind you of how much God loves you. Feel free to make room on this list for me. No we may not have met before but as I research stories, develop characters, study the word and click fingertips on keys I rely on the Holy Spirit to work through me to bring the best novels, serial fiction and devotionals to you.
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