NanoWrimo story update. The new series launch plans and a need to PUSH...Hope your with me

Anisa and crew just got back from the hottest club south of Atlanta and they had a ball. She sweat her hair out and had to go see her stylist…did I mention she hasn’t told her she wants to go natural. Yeah …well you’ll have to read how that went. 
Hope your praying for a sister. Every year I tried to do this NanoWriMo thing and until last year tanked. Things are going well and I expect to finish early and get the editing lair ready for me to occupy. Seven rounds of edits are more fun since I embraced the truth that “writing is rewriting”. 
You deserve a really fly giveaway with this new series launch. Pray for God’s favor with an amazing haircare line that would be great for the hair and other stories coming through the Natural Sistahs series.
Any time division becomes disrespectful I believe the first action that needs to be taken is prayer. Many moons ago, I engaged in these things called .P.U.S.H. campaigns on the blog. As my writing took a more centralized position and life crowded things out I moved away from them. The results of the election has stretched the already taut threads of love holding Christians in our race torn nation together. Stay tuned for details on the blog and especially my Facebook and Twitter feeds to P.U.S.H. for the love of Christ to be shared and used to overcome the hatred exposed by the second term election of President Barack Obama. This campaign isn’t about supporting him it is ALL about loving each person who confesses Christ regardless of skin tone and political action. Follow my Twitter or Like my FB page to get the daily prayer points and scripture. 
Because sometimes we all need them. Keep your head up, God LOVES You!!!

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