My True Essence Awareness Campaign Rules of Engagement

Share information about My True Essence ebook or Paperback edition and you will be entered into three drawings.

You can receive double entries by buying a copy of My True Essence before June 21st and posting a review of My True Essence on, or your blog.


On FB like my Facebook Page and tag it Shawneda  and on twitter mention me @shawneda in your tweet or profile share for your entry to be counted. Here is an example:

For Twitter:

Tweet with me: More to me than what you see, I define my own beauty. More important than hair length is My True Essence, novel by @shawneda 
Tweet with me: Took time to realize, I’m not defined by my cup size. That time, was well spent: I know My True Essence, novel by @shawneda

For Facebook

You are more than hair length and a cup size. Jenessa and Dani find out the truth about what makes a woman beautiful. Check out the new ebook by @Shawneda
Watch as Jenessa, Dani and Rebecca learn one of the great lessons of a lifetime in new breast cancer awareness novel My True Essence by @Shawneda 
Receive an extra entry by posting the trailer to the novel on your facebook, twitter or posting it on your blog. 
Be sure to tag Shawneda page and mention twitter profile when you link to the trailer on youtube. 
Post a review of My True Essence and announce it on Facebook, Twitter and or post it on your blog and receive an entry for each time you share and receive 5 extra entries when you interview me on your blog or blogtalkradio show. 
Every ten days someone will be selected via to receive a My True Essence breast cancer awareness Jewelry Mark.
June 30th
July 10th
July 20th
July 30th
August 9th
August 19th
August 29th
September 8th
September 18th
Every full month of summer a Me Time gift winner will be selected using 
June/July  Mini Me Time Prize : Milk Chocolate Brown Sugar Scrub 
August  Mini Me Time Prize : Rose Petal Milk Bath Peppermint

September Me Time Grand Prize