My Mommy Moment

My daughter has grown from a baby, to a toddler and is before my very eyes turning into the coolest little girl, I ever met (I am biased of course.) It has been the coolest thing in the world to watch it happen. Even more cool is how God blessing me to be her mother has changed me. 

 She mimics the things I teach her on purpose and the things I don’t know she is learning. Moments when some parents choose to look over their children’s humanity God uses to show me to myself. For those honest with themselves, children are a mirror.

 As of late when she wakes up fussy or makes a request that sounds too bossy, I tell her she is “acting like her mother.”  I’ve found an amazing appreciation for God’s love for me in parenting my blessing and reward aka LeleAngel. Everyday I learn more about how He wants me to love her. 
One of the things I remember as a child before becoming a part of my foster family is not feeling like some of the people trusted to take care of me recognized I was a person. I didn’t want to be in control or in charge I just wanted to know they cared about me and my feelings. When I talk to LeleAngel, discipline, correct and scold her I’m aware that before she was mine, she belonged to God. I listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit and apologize, hug, comfort and console her when necessary, not because she is in charge but because she is a person.
God blessed me with a creative, happy, expressive, demanding, adorable little girl. She shows me how to love more, how God’s grace under pressure is sufficient, and how to trust God for direction when I’m without a clue.   My best parenting cues come from Him.