More NanoWriMo Write Tracks and More

Without music it is possible you may not have read any of the stories God has given me. There are more songs on the write track but these are some of the ones that speak to the lessons and feelings of the story so far. Some are gonna be staples for the hair stories for the Natural Sistahs series. They aren’t all about hair but you’ll recognize how important they are to a woman coming into her own, sometimes the hair is just the beginning of the journey. 
Here is a song you might not think would be in a coming into her own story about going natural. 
Anisa, Ebonee, Porsche and Zoe know why it’s part of the write track and come Christmas time…I hope you see it too. 
If you aren’t a Queen Bey fan then this should get your fingers poppin and addresses the overall sense of not only the Natural Sistahs series but the Natural Sistahs website in general. 
Get connected on Facebook and Twitter the P.U.S. H. campaign start date and first prayer point will be posted there soon. Join me in having a God kissed weekend…

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