Monday Meditation: God Cares

Psalm 138:8
The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, endure forever—forsake not the works of Your own hands. 

Sometimes we want to know there is someone there who cares. 
Life can be hard. Things can seem unbearable. We need to feel cared about…
We post something important to Facebook….but no one likes or shares. 
We insta.gram … but no one hearts. 
We tumble …but no one reposts. 
We Tweet it … but no one retweets or replies. 
We create a pic for Pinterest … but no one repins. 
God shares his love with us. 
He might not be able to like, share, retweet, repost, or tumble 
the things happening to us everyday but He cares about everything that concerns us. 
His Holy Spirit wants to live inside of us and if we ask him to… is always here.
Even when the people who love and know us on Earth 
don’t have to time to show us how much they care, remember GOD cares. 
We may feel lonely…that is normal we’re human. 
But we’re NEVER alone. God is here. He cares. 

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