Meet Kendalynn Thompson from Making Moves in Metropolis

Meet Kendalynn Thompson from Making Moves in Metropolis

Meet Champion of Children, Wife, and SistahFriend Kendalynn Thompson of Making Moves in Metropolis

Making Moves in Metropolis 2020 Cover

 Kendalynn Thompson is the girl strong women love to love and petty women admire when trying to hate. She’s fought and won against big corporations for social change agents and can rock a tracksuit like it’s the 90s. Her friend circle is broad and fierce as her presence in court. Despite that stint on a quickly canceled reality show in the early 2000s.

Favorite Motivational Quote

The purpose of the image is to show a Toni Morrison quote liked by the fictional character.





This character representation was created during my SIMS 4 gameplay. 
You can read her prequel for free on Kindle Unlimited or listen to the podcast. 

Real FirstWives of Metropolis Prequel Cover

Listen to Real FirstWives for Free Here #Spotify #GooglePodcast or #ApplePodcasts