Love Song a poem by Shawneda in Honor of National Poetry Month

 Placed in my heart
The melody Your love brings
Joy, peace like art
The reason why I sing.
Never to know that
Your love for me
Could manifest into this
Bringing me hope and
Compassion that creates
An overcoming bliss.
Always applying Your
Word to my heart giving
Me support to do my part.
Fulfilling the destiny
You created for my life
As a result of living
Each day a willing
Sacrifice. I openly
Submit to you, help me
Not to do more
Wrong. The rhythm to
My worship in dance
The subject of my
Love song.

Originally published in “All I Ever Wanted: From God, From Life, From People”
a poetry anthology by Shawneda

This is one of my first and still one of my favorite poems. 
Hope you enjoyed it. 
When I wrote it I was in a 30 day 
love song fest with God. 
I sang him a new song every morning. 
Think I’ll do that again…this summer in June.
Do you sing “love songs” to God?

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