GiG PowHer: Inviting the World to Pray #AloneTogether

GiG PowHer: Inviting the World to Pray #AloneTogether

Praying #AloneTogether is very simple.

At the appointed time — which will be the 19th minute after the top of the hour every hour — wherever you are if it is safe to do so as led by the Holy Spirit, please take a moment to pray for the healing of the world, as it pertains to COVID19. Only you know how long you have to take for that moment. God will place on your heart what to pray as it pertains to healing the world of this pandemic.

That’s it. Nothing more. Nothing less. If you feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit as a believer in God, as a person who cares about your fellow humans, as an intercessor, join us in praying #alonetogether

If we each pray as led by the Holy Spirit when we’re awake together on the 19th minute after the hour we can bombard heaven. There are scriptures below I’ve been praying over myself, my loved ones, local community, state, for my government leadership, my country, and the world. Use them as a reference, if led to do so by the Holy Spirit.

Thank you and God bless you.

In God’s Love,

Praying over myself as led by the Holy Spirit
2 Timothy 1:7
2 John :6
Phillippians 1:9

Praying over my loved ones as led by the Holy Spirit
Psalm 91
Isaiah 54:17

Praying over my community as led by the Holy Spirit
Psalm 133:1
Ephesians 1:2

Praying over regional, state, and federal leadership as led by the Holy Spirit
1 Timothy 2:1-2

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