Fan Girl Friday Anjelah Johnson Laughter Inspires Me

Being able to laugh is priceless. 
 Giggling until my cheeks sting.
Watching Netflix comedies until my sides hurt
is one of my favorite past times. 
During the sad times, a well placed
sardonic, sly borderline (sometimes over the line) 
witty one-liner or pithy story
will bust my gut and heart wide open. 
My favorite COMEDIAN gives me the absolute
Anjelah Johnson 
She introduced me to one of the staple songs 
I listen to when writing GirlPower books 
Her hubster’s Group 1 Crew song for the 
last Write Tracks of the Wholeness series. 
Her courage to be FREE to be herself also inspired me to be ALL of myself
in the genres I write and finally release the books I’ve been developing outside 
of the Christian fiction genre. 
Romance, urban fantasy, and mystery are genres I love to read and 
I’ve been studying, digesting and salivating over for decades. 
In her Netflix original “NOT FANCY”
 pictured above she says her 
non Christian friends call her conservative 
and her Christian friends consider her edgy.
She says she is just being herself. 
Every time I heard her say that line I moved
closer to being FREE of the attempts of others
knowingly or unknowingly trying to box me into 
who they think I should be and what I should be doing.
So I’m shouting out my favorite comedian of all time. 
One of my girl power go to giggle creators. 
The Latina sister from THE heavenly mister (in my head.) 
I can totally relate to a former cheerleader with street cred, who loves Jesus 
and is free to be herself. 
One day in January when reflecting on the journey
of rebuilding my life after my divorce
I couldn’t deny how much laughing at her
on Netflix absolutely helped my heart heal. 
I went uber sentimental and posted about her on 
Instagram and posted it to Twitter. 
Then I cried when this happened. 
Thought today would be the perfect day to share my first
FanGirl Friday post. 
So many of you who read 
My True Essence 
Embracing Myself Now
have emailed me and posted on your blogs
about how the book touched your life. 
You inspired me to do the same.
Need to heal?
Learn to love to laugh. 
you’ll be glad you did. 
God knows I am!

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