Enter for a Chance to Build the LEGEN wait for it DARY Body You always wanted

So it is really simple. Sign up for my quarterly newsletter if you haven’t already between the September release date and December 15th (before I go on Winter Sabbatical) and you could win these three workout DVDs. 
George Foreman is a 2-Pack and Christi Taylor has 4 workouts add Billy and you have a week or 2 worth of workouts. 
If you are already signed up for the newsletter purchase a copy of WEIGHING MY OPTIONS between when it releases and December 15th, post a review on the retail site (Sony, Kobobooks.com, Smashwords, Amazon.com, BN.com) where you purchased it and email me a link (shawneda(at)live(dot)com) to the review and you could win the workouts. Post to the reader sites below for additional entries. It is that simple. 
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