Burgundy Rogers from Making in Moves in Metropolis

Burgundy Rogers from Making in Moves in Metropolis

Burgundy Rogers Mom, Friend, and Sex Crimes Advocate

Making Moves in Metropolis 2020 CoverRescued from the same-sex trafficking ring as the founder of the Diamond Butterfly House after learning about her second pregnancy changed Burgundy’s life. Chantiel’s guidance and leadership helped her complete her high school degree and become a paralegal. Her bond with the supermodel she used to idolize as a child and her help with providing a good life boggles her mind, daily. She’s a bright spot of hope in the first installment of the GiG PowHer series.

 Favorite Motivational Quote 

Picture of Burgundys motivational quote


From victor to advocate and champion of ending sex trafficking. Goal PowHer is a fiction series full of grit, hope, and goal power.