Wholeness series
For the Good
The Son Shined the Light on Where This Author will Be Moonlighting
Most authors have more than writing for financial support. Some speak, some have traditional “day jobs”, some publish and consult with other authors, some work odd jobs. My full time position and primary responsibility is to be available to take care of my Father’s business, second get myself back
For the Good
Mature Divine Completion Can Be a result of Obedience
I told you about my days leading songs on several choirs during my teen years. Twenty one years later God restored and allowed me to bless His name before His people with my churches choir, THE SOUND. It seemed so surreal. My prayer each time I pulled the mic to
Wholeness series
New Songs to Write By for WEIGHING MY OPTIONS
These artists and songs were added to the writing playlist for the first time. Some of them convey how the characters feel, others convey how GOD feels about people like the characters. All of them help keep the creative juices flowing. Writing without music is like me without Jesus. It
Author Vlogs
Mary J. Blige and Melanie Fiona Stay in My Work Music Rotation
There are several artists I love one of them is Mary J Blige. The soul in her songs stirs something in me to create no matter what book it is I’ve written, there has been a Mary J Blige song on the “WriteTrack”. I don’t listen to a
Author Vlogs
My Old Standby Write Tracks I'm Listening to While Working on WEIGHING MY OPTIONS
Music is as much a part of my writing process as plotting, character profiles (questionnaires, dossiers) and cover creation, it fuels my creativity. It is a HUGE part of my life. It is the first gift I ever used to declare my love for God in public. My friends know
Finishing touches have been done and the foreword has been added from Pastor Marquis Boone. Now all that is left is to make it public. Which will happen once I get home from the gym … Each system makes books live at different times so by Saturday it should be available
Updates, Announcements and Progress OH MY
This Summer Eat Clean experience has been more than amazing and I’m only on day six. My mind is clearer and I feel different in my physical countenance. I’m adjusting in steps so this is just phase one. The second phase is going to focus on only freggies
Wholeness series
Shawneda is working on WEIGHING MY OPTIONS obesity awareness novel
Weighing My Options Toni, Briana and Julie were “thick as thieves” throughout elementary, middle and most of high school. Now almost ten years after high school graduation they see each other at the family reunion and are shocked to find they all passed “thick” a long time ago. Devastated by
Wholeness series
EMBRACING MYSELF NOW in top 100 of ALL Medical Fiction reads.
I’m so excited to tell you EMBRACING MYSELF NOW is #91 of ALL medical fiction books on Amazon.com. It would not be so if it weren’t for you! Thank you so much for reading the sequel to MY TRUE ESSENCE. To God be the glory!
Goal PowHer Series
First Episode of Real Firstwives Metropolis Airs May
Starting next week Cheers TV will be reintroducing the new Firstwives of Metropolis so you’re up to date with everything going on with them once the show “airs”. Our initial desire was to offer The Real Firstwives as an episodic e-book series and that is being done now via
Wholeness series
Feed Your Reader Embracing Myself Now is available!
It’s official Embracing Myself Now is available! Nook Readers Kindle Readers Smashwords for All Other Readers Thank you to everyone who has left comments, posted information and shared how breast cancer has impacted your lives.